I can't tell if Mark Zuckerberg is just completely out of touch with his users, or if he's just completely ignoring them.
Why? Because every recent change Facebook has made to its platform has been met with opposition from its users. Just look at these two Facebook Groups.
We Hate The New Facebook, so STOP CHANGING IT!!! 1,643,343 members
group: i love the new facebook design 70 Members (and this is the largest group)
People can't tell you how to innovate or how to make something better. But they sure know when something is wrong. And if the groups are any indication, something is definitely wrong.
A good CEO is in tune with his audience. He gets them. He looks out for them. He does what is in their best interest because he understands that when his users are happy, his company is happy.
Z is the complete opposite. He is out of touch with the users and isn't building Facebook in their best interest. He is building it for himself. The way he thinks it should be. And right now, how Z thinks they should use it and how users actually want to use it are at odds. Which is not a good thing.
Case in point.
Facebook has announced new privacy settings to make privacy EASIER on the user. Total lie. The only thing easier about the new change is how much easier it will be for Google to get your personal data. I guess this is to keep up with Twitter. But I can't figure out why.
If Z learns anything from reading this post(yeah right) its should be this:
Facebook is Private and always should be.
Twitter = public. Facebook = Private. Two totally separate things. They don't have to be like each other. They shouldn't. We shouldn't even be comparing them.
People like their privacy. That's why Facebook has been so great. I can talk with all my real friends without the entire world watching. (sure there are loopholes, but for the most part it works pretty well.)
How's this for a business model? Make it more private. Make it a safe harbor where I can go online without fear of someone stalking me, watching me, spamming me or interrupting a private conversation. That's the value. Privacy. There aren't many, if any, private places online. Make Facebook the most private place online. That will make you some money. Guaranteed.
With the new changes, Facebook has taken away some of our privacy. They have told us what the world can see of our profiles when they should have given us the option to decide for ourselves. Actually, I think it shouldn't even be an option. Make it private. Keep it private.
Remember MySpace. It died because it got to be too public. Facebook is the next MySpace.
They're taking the easy way out, gotta get paid. Short term money = yes, long term legacy = no, but "who cares, we'll all be rich". Well, everyone except the employees when the layoffs start happening, just ask the former Myspace workers.
What kills me is that they are selling out the entire Facebook population. And they have done a pretty sneaking job to disguise it.
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